MU online--- Item Upgrading of MU online, Applied
December 28 2007, 4:15 AM
Let me ask a question first: Can you say, what a pair of +9+12+luck legendary pants cost in terms of bless of MU online? Assume 1 bless = 2 soul and +0+12+luck legendary pants cost 1b.
+Luck Items Of MU online
Let's say you have brought a normal item +0+12+luck for 1b, 1b=2s.
For upgrading it the first time using soul is the cheapest.
+0+12+luck +soul, you'll fail one out of four as:
75% get a +1+12+luck item;
25% get a +0+12+luck item.
Expected cost for a +1+12+luck item:
=1b + 1s*0.75 + 2s*0.25*0.75 + 3s*0.25^2*0.75 +...
=1b + 1.5s
For upgrading +1 to +6, using bless or soul on a +luck item has about the same expected cost, so we will be using blesses for simplicity. We bless the +1+12+luck item 5 times.
Expected cost for a +6+12+luck item:
=1.75b + 5b
From +6 to +7, you use a soul. Since the chance to success is 75% and item level drop only one for cases of failure, you normally get 3 success and 1 fail in a 4-time trial. A +5 item is 1b behind +6, so:
For upping +8, the expected loss is beginning to rise greatly, that will reflect in it's expected cost. If you failed the item dropped to +0, you'll lose (7.75b-1b)=6.75b. Thus, expected cost for a +8+12+luck:
=7.75b + 1s*0.75 + (6.75b+2s)*0.25*0.75 + (2*6.75b+3s)*0.25*0.25*0.75 +...
=7.75b + 0.5*0.75b + (6.75+1)*0.25*0.75b + (2*6.75+1.5)*(0.25^2)*0.75b +...
=(7.75 + 0.75*( 0.5 + (0.5*2+6.75)*0.25 + (0.5*3+6.75*2)*0.25^2 +...))b
=(7.75 + 0.75*( 0.5*( 1 + 2*0.25 + 3*0.25^2+...) + 6.75*( 0.25 + 2*0.25^2 +...) )b
=(7.75 + 0.75*(( 0.5*1/(1-0.25)^2 ) + ( 6.75*0.25/(1-0.25)^2 )))b
=(10 + 2/3)b
+9, repeat the above calculation process similarly. This time you lose (9-2/3)b if you fail:
=( (10 + 2/3) + 0.75*(0.5*1/(1-0.25)^2 + (9+2/3)*0.25/(1-0.25)^2) )b
=(14 + 5/9)b
Around 14b 1s.
+10 you will lost your item if fail. With the upgrade requirement increased to 1b1s This time you lose (14 + 5/9)b if you fail, ignore zen and chaos cost for simplicity:
=( (14 + 5/9) + 0.75*(1.5*1/(1-0.25)^2 + (14+5/9)*0.25/(1-0.25)^2) )b
=(21 + 11/27)b
Around 21b 1s.
+11 require 2b2s = 3b for combination. Chance of success decreased to 70% and lost (21 + 11/27)b if failed. Expected cost:
=( (21 + 11/27) + 0.7*(3*1/(1-0.3)^2 + (21 + 11/27)*0.3/(1-0.3)^2) )b
=(34 + 164/189)b
Around 35b.
+12 require 3b3s = 4.5b for combination. Chance of success keep at 70%. Lose (34 + 164/189)b if failed. Expected cost:
=( (34 + 164/189) + 0.7*(4.5*1/(1-0.3)^2 + (34 + 164/189)*0.3/(1-0.3)^2) )b
Around 56b.
+13 require 4b4s = 6b for combination. Chance of success keep at 70%. Lose 56.2396b if failed. Expected cost:
=( (56.2396) + 0.7*(6*1/(1-0.3)^2 + (56.2396)*0.3/(1-0.3)^2) )b
Around 89b.
Yes, this also means the expected cost to make a normal set (5 piece) on your own at: (For your reference)
+7+12+luck: 39b
+9+12+luck: 72b 1s
+10+12+luck: 107b 1s
+11+12+luck: 175b
+12+12+luck: 280b
+13+12+luck: 445b
Of course if you can buy a +3+12+luck piece at 1b1s for example, the cost of making a +7+12 set will be decreased to 27.5b. Others should have lower cost too, but we will consider that kind of abbreviated cost is a result of trade profit.
No Luck Items MU online
The market price of a +3+12 non-luck high armor item is around 1s. This may change but we'll take 1s as the cost of a +3+12 item for upgrading. I'd assume +0+12 item have no resale value for simplicity.
No-risk upgrade to +6+12 require:
Upgrade to +7+12, if failed need 1b back to +6. expected cost:
=( 3.5 + 0.5*(0.5*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 1*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )b
Now the crazy part is beginning...
Upgrade to +8+12, if failed need 5.5b to make a new +7+12 item for next trial. Expected cost:
=( 5.5 + 0.5*(0.5*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 5.5*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )b
Upgrade to +9+12, if failed need 12b to make a new +8+12 for next trial. Expected cost:
=( 12 + 0.5*(0.5*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 12*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )b
Upgrade to +10+12, if failed lose item worth 25b to make. Need 1b1s=1.5b for combination. Expected cost:
=( 25 + 0.5*(1.5*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 25*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )b
Upgrade to +11+12, if failed lose item worth 53b to make. Need 2b2s=3b for combination. Chance decreased to 45%. Expected cost:
=( 53 + 0.45*(3*1/(1-0.55)^2 + 53*0.55/(1-0.55)^2) )b
=(124 + 4/9)b
Around 124b 1s.
Upgrade to +12+12, if failed lose item worth (124 + 4/9)b to make. Need 3b3s=4.5b for combination. Chance to success keep at 45%. Expected cost:
=( (124 + 4/9) + 0.45*(4.5*1/(1-0.55)^2 + (124 + 4/9)*0.55/(1-0.55)^2) )b
Around 286b 1s.
Upgrade to +13+12, if failed lose item worth 286.5432b to make. Need 4b4s=6b for combination. Chance to success keep at 45%. Expected cost:
=( 286.5432 + 0.45*(6*1/(1-0.55)^2 + 286.5432*0.55/(1-0.55)^2) )b
Around 650b.
Jewel of Life of MU online
Jewel of life of MU online always have 50% chance +luck or not. If failed drop to +0. Expected cost to make an item with four times option(max option) is:
1st time: ( 0 + 0.5*(1*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 0*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )JoL = 2JoL
2nd time: ( 2 + 0.5*(1*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 2*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )JoL = 6JoL
3rd time: ( 6 + 0.5*(1*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 6*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )JoL = 14JoL
4th time: ( 14 + 0.5*(1*1/(1-0.5)^2 + 14*0.5/(1-0.5)^2) )JoL = 30 JoL
That is, normally there will be one 4 consecutive success in 30 trials. Maybe more or less but the average number is 30. Upgrading from +12 (4x) option is easier but if failed it's quite hard to get back to +12 option. It'd be best to up this option to max from an +x+12 item before upping above +7. If not you'll need a huge number of JoL later...
Hope I cleared out some misconceptions. Do not up a no luck item above +7 it just make no sense.
And hope you legit ppl can make your own set. Good luck
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MU online----jewels Descriptions
December 27 2007, 1:40 AM
There are 5 kinds of jewels in MUonline.Theyre jewel of Chaos,Jewel of Bless,Jewel Of Soul,Jewel of Life,Jewel Of Creation.
jewel of Chaos
A Jewel of Chaos (commonly referred to as a 'Chaos') is the least rare jewel inMU. It is dropped from mobs that are level 12 or above, so that's Elite Bulls and up. Their most common use is to create Chaos Weapons via the Chaos Machine. They can also be used to make Wings and other items for events etc. Chaos's are used to upgrade items to +10 and +11 too.There is no set price for a Chaos and they are not sold in shops ofMU.
Jewel of Bless
Jewel of Blessing (or 'Bless') is a very rare jewel that drops from Cyclops and any mobs stronger than Cyclops. It is used to upgrade an item to +6. You use the Bless by dragging it over the item you want to upgrade, this is a rare item and shouldn't be sold cheap. When upgrading to +6 you have a 100% success rate. Attempting to upgrade items that are already +6 with a Bless will result in no loss. The Bless won't disappear, just simply remain attached to your cursor. The Jewel of Bless is also needed when upgrading items to +10 and +11 via the Chaos Machine and can be used to increase the % in making various items. The Jewel of Bless is sold by the NPCs in town for 9,000,000 zen each.
Jewel Of Soul
A Jewel of Soul (or 'Soul') is an other form of jewel which can be used to upgrade items to +7, +8, and +9. Souls have a lower market value than Blesses, but are technically rarer since the mob drop level for them is higher. When upgrading an item without +luck you have a 50% success rate. If the item you're upgrading has +luck you have a 75% success rate.If you fail when upgrading an item to +7 the item will drop down to +5. If however, you fail when upgrading an item to +8 or +9, the item will drop down to +0. So use them wisely.Souls can also be used to upgrade items below +6 too, but it's risky business and most players just use Blesses instead. Souls drop from Ghosts and up.To upgrade an item, place it on your inventory (it cannot be equipped on your body), left-click on the Jewel of Soul and drop the gem on the item meant to be upgraded.
The Jewel of Soul is also needed when upgrading items to +10 and +11 via the Chaos Machineand can be used to increase the % in making various items (See Chapter 5).
The Jewel of Soul is sold by the NPC?s in town for 6,000,000 zen each.
Armour +0 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Fails ~ Armour +0
Armour +0 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Succeeds ~ Armour +1
Armour +5 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Fails ~ Armour +4
Armour +5 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Succeeds ~ Armour +6
Armour +6 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Fails ~ Armour +5
Armour +6 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Succeeds ~ Armour +7
Armour +7 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Fails ~ Armour +0
Armour +7 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Succeeds ~ Armour +8
Armour +8 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Fails ~ Armour +0
Armour +8 ~ Add Jewel of Soul ~ Succeeds ~ Armour +9
Jewel of Life
Jewel of Life (or 'JoL') is dropped from some low-level Tarkan mobs, I think the minimum mob level is 72. The Jewel of Life is used to increase options to items, up to fourth level, and it has a 50% chance of succeeding. +luck does not increase the success rate. So to upgrade option to 4th level in one try you get 7.25% chance of success. When JoL fails option goes to level zero (+0). Different items have different options. If the item has strength requirement it becomes bigger with each aed option level. To upgrade an item's option level, place it on your inventory (it cannot be equipped on your body), left-click on theJewel of Life & drop the gem on the item meant to be upgraded. The item's option will either increase by one level, or drop to 0. The Jewel of Life is by the NPCs in town for 45,000,000 zen each.
Jewel Of Creation
Jewel of Creation is used to create Nuts via the Chaos Machine. Any of the four kinds of Nuts - Strength, Agility, Vitality or Energy - may be randomly created. Each Nut has a chance of increasing the particular stat by 1~3. However, when a character resets, the server is unable to keep track of the additional points gained by use of the Nuts. The additional points will thus not be carried over after the reset. This renders the Nuts - and by extension the Jewel of Creation - useless on this server. Therefore, the Jewel of Creation is commonly sold to the shops for 12,000,000 zen.
Do u want to make rich or powerful game? Then you can buy jewels of MUonline.
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2Moons—2Moons Item System
December 26 2007, 1:36 AM
Item System
Items in 2Moons
In 2Moons, you’ll find a variety of items, ranging from weapons and armor to potions, jewelry and other special items. You can also increase the effectiveness of some items in various ways, including adding magic to socketed items, using the socket refinement to add sockets, and level upgrades to increase the power of your weapons.
Obtaining Items
There are mainly four ways to obtain items
1. Purchase from a shop Normal items ues 2Moons dil(2Moons money,2Moons gold) only.
2. Dropped items from monsters Monsters may drop any kind of item.
3. Rewarded items from quests You can gain special (sometimes unique) items by completing quests.
4. Purchasing from an individual shop Purchase items from other players use 2Moons dil(2Moons money,2Moons gold), including unique socketed or upgraded items.
Kinds of Items
Armor is designed for each part of the body, including legs, hands, torso, feet, and head. Armor increases your character’s defense, but magical armor may
also increase your physical or elemental attack power/defense.
There are more than a dozen different weapon types, including daggers, swords, great swords, axes, great axes, bows, crossbows, staffs, wands, shields,
maces, great maces, twin swords and hand weapons such as the cestus. All weapons increase your character’s attack power, while some are required to use
specific skills. Magical weapons and those enhanced through slot additions can offer extra power and effects. Weapons can also be upgraded to be even more powerful.
Rings and Necklaces
Rings are worn to increase your character’s abilities such as attack power, physical/magic power or elemental defense against fire, ice, lightning, poison,
or curse attacks.
Socket Items
Socket Items can be inserted into sockets in weapons to increase attack power, or in armor to increase defense.
Fortifying Item Fortifying Items are used to increase armor defense abilities or weapon attack power.
Disposables and others
You may collect and use many other items, which are destroyed when used, such as Health and Mana potions, arrows, bolts, return scrolls and others..
Item Options and Kinds of Items
There are five classifications of weapons and armor in 2Moons: normal, magic, noble, divine noble, and legend, in addition to socketed and upgraded items:
Item Classifications and Color
Normal Items (White): Items with normal attributes. White text.
Magic Items (Blue): Items with two random qualities added. Blue text.
Noble Items (Lavender): Items with three random qualities added. Lavender text.
Divine Noble Items (Yellow): Items with four random qualities added. The name is shown in yellow.
Socketed Items: Added effects depend on items inserted in the sockets. Options display in red text.
Upgraded Items: Upgraded items display a + in the item’s name, and will be more powerful than items that haven’t been upgraded.
Legend Items (green): Legend items are very rare and powerful, with specific qualities unique to each. Legend items are often parts of sets of items, which,
when worn together, are even more powerful. Green text.
2Moons dil 2Moons money 2Moons gold
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what is the meaning of Christmas
December 25 2007, 2:14 AM
Christmas is a time for friends and family to come together for fun and fellowship and to remember God\'s gift of Jesus to the world. We give gifts to each other in remembrance of God's gift of His son, Jesus!
We celebrate Christmas because it is Jesus' Birthday and on Christmas is to buy things for other people not yourself.
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hello everyone
December 20 2007, 2:37 AM
hello everyone
nice to come here
and the christmas will be ,merry christmas to everyone
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